
We make it cheap and easy to hire freelancers, and to work as freelancers.


Here's how projects work.

1. A Buyer posts a job.

2. A Seller sends a proposals to the Buyer.

3. The Buyer accepts the proposal, which forms a contract.

4. The Buyer deposits the full value of the job.  This is held in a EU-Regulated Escrow account in their name.

5. The Seller finishes the work.

6a. Single Contracts: The Buyer signs-off the Milestone and funds are transferred to the Seller.

6b. Ongoing Contracts: Funds are transferred to the Seller automatically at the end of the cycle.

7. Sellers can withdraw funds into their bank accounts.


Buyer Fees

2% admin fee per payment

For example, when making a payment of £100, there would be an admin fee of £2.


Seller Fees

20% commission fee per job

For example, there would be a fee of £10 for a £50 job.  When the Buyer signs-off the job, Crowdskills will automatically charge this 20% fee, and the remaining 80% (£40) will transfer to the Seller's e-wallet and be available to be withdrawn to their bank account.

45p admin fee per withdrawal

0203 504 6465

Crowdskills Ltd

Impact Hub Kings Cross

London N1 9AB